Welocome to Gloves and Bucket Cleaning service!

(905) 288-8171
8:00am - 5:00pm
Mail to us

Contact Info

This info will be used to get in touch for your cleaning service.

Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter a valid email address
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Location Details

Where do you want this cleaning to be done?

Please enter an address
Please enter a city
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Choose Service Type

How Often do you want to get cleaning done?

Tell us about your house

What do you have to clean?

Add Extra Cleaning

Date and Time Info

Select the date you want this cleaning to get done and the best time slot for cleaners to arrive.

Please select a date for your cleaning

Comments and special instructions

Add any addition details that we should know eg. buzz code, watch out for the dog etc.

Invalid discount code
Total Summary:
$500 CAD
Discount Amount:
$50 CAD

Total Price for your cleaning

CAD $500.00

Your Booking is Guranteed.

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